Friday 30 April 2010


Just a quick update to let you know what I am doing. I decided to postpone the Lady Gaga drawing for the time being and completed a portrait of Frank Sinatra. I am now two thirds of the way through a Jimi Hendrix piece.
With the art fair coming up next Saturday I have also been busy scanning all my work and creating prints to sell. The price to get an A3 print made is so expensive! It worked out that it would cost me around £200 to get all the prints done I wanted so I decided to purchase a good quality A3 printer and do them myself. I'm pleased with the outcome! Especially when they are mounted and sealed in their cello wallets, they really look the part. In the long run I figured being able to make prints myself would be more cost effective.
Not sure I will be selling my originals now either. I've been thinking it might be best to build up a collection and then try and exhibit them somewhere. I think that would be a good step towards making a name for myself. So that's the idea for the time being.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Stevie Wonder

Completed drawing ready to be mounted and framed :)

Tuesday 13 April 2010


Completed Stevie Wonder today (pics will be up tomorrow!) and have began my next piece - Lady Gaga. This picture is from an ELLE magazine photo-shoot. Again, this should only take a week max! I am looking to incorporate the name 'gaga' into this drawing using the hair in the foreground.

Sunday 11 April 2010

'Mad About Music' Exhibition

Here are the pics I promised of my work appearing in The Gallery, Clayton Square. Madelaina is holding an arts and crafts fair there on the 8th May 2010 so I am looking to book a place. Hopefully I will have enough work by that time to fill it!
Visit Madelainartz for more info on Madelaina and her Gallery :)

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Stevie Wonder

Next drawing on the cards - Stevie Wonder!
Found this great image on the web of Stevie so I am going to see what I can do with it. I may add some text or musical elements to help personalize the piece.
I couldn't have asked for a clearer or more characterized image to work from! Hopefully should be finished within a weeks time.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

John Lennon Print

During the raffle competition at the private viewing for the 'Mad About Music' exhibition, I won a limited edition A3 print of John Lennon by Madelaina (The Galleries owner). She was kind enough to personalize and sign the print for me! You can just about make it out below.

Monday 5 April 2010

Milton Glaser on Drawing

"Milton Glaser talks about drawing and how it makes you look at things more closely.

He also talks about the importance of learning to draw accurately before you can draw expressively. These days art schools (at least in the UK) have their students draw less as they advance through their years of study. During my time at University our drawing classes ended half way through our third year and I noticed a huge difference in my sketches. The less we were made to draw accurately the more basic my sketches became.

If you’re at uni do you still have drawing or life drawing classes in your senior years? How do you feel about getting your ideas down on paper first before you get started on screen? For all the illustrators and artists reading this the answer might seem obvious, I suppose."


Friday 2 April 2010

Martha Graham

I recently completed a piece based on the famous American pioneer of modern dance, Martha Graham. The client had a particular image of Martha they had their heart set on but the image was so small and of poor quality that it would have proved difficult to draw. With that in mind, I decided that this piece would probably work best as a monotone ink drawing, capturing the shape of Martha Graham rather than all of the shading and detail. The curves of the black shape are intended to flow with Martha Graham's dance move. The client also wanted the following quote to compliment the image - "That which cannot be spoken can be sang and that which cannot be sang, can be danced."